Disaster prevention educational exhibit
The Tone River is flooding! What should we do?
The Tone River gives much joy and blessings to our lives, but it can change into a terribly fearful river.
This is a fun guide to help us live in safety by giving us hints of what to do if danger strikes, using records of past floods, the river's particular nature and what to do if near the river.
Free of charge
Mondays (Tuesday when Monday is a national holiday,) New Year period, facility maintenance days
Introduction of Study Courses

Guidance of exhibition by volunteer guide (Volunteer guide guidance application form)
In your use of the organization (generally 5 or more people), those who wish a detailed guidance,
Fill to the guide application form, on the application by e-mail · FAX to the station of the river Please contact us
Welcome to Tone River
Maps detailing the entire Tone River area available.

Discovering Everything about Tone River Corner
Provides study courses on everything about the Tone River, from basic outlines through to information on flood control, with the use of maps and panels.

Discoverubg the Local History and Culture Corner
- Provides study courses on the canal (steamships) that prospered in ancient times and the abundant fish resources (types of fish and types of fishing,) based on a theme entitled The Riches and Canals of Tone River.
- Provides study courses on how families coped with water damage (water mounds) and what the river was like before flood barriers were in place (circular levees,) based on a theme entitled Knowledge Required to Live by Tone River.
- Provides history lessons in which the past is reproduced on video and with models.

Discovering Flood Control Technology Corner
Provides study courses on all of the mechanisms enacted to prevent flooding, from the history of flood damage and flood control technology, through to current anti-flooding technology.

Construction Machinery Warehouse
Provides study courses that enable participants to fully understand the machinery used to prevent water damage and for dredging purposes, and the situation prevalent during those times.

Vehicle Warehouse
Provides close-up views of the actual vehicles currently used for preventing disasters.